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Eurocompany O.B.S. SPAW-TEST Sp. z o.o. more [polish] [english]

Country: Poland
Region: Pomerania
City: Gdańsk
Street: Śnieżna 1
Phone: +48 58 3437745
Fax: +48 58 3437743
Firm Rank: star
logoO.B.S. SPAW-TEST started its production in 1989. Originally it operated in the research and training in the scope of welding technology for the heating power industry. Next from the beginning of 90’s it was operating in innovation and technical progress. As one of the first in Europe it made a production use of an invention which removes pollution from water heating nets with the help of magnetic field. O.B.S. SPAW-TEST made a fundamental influence on change in operation of technical heating[...]

Instytut Elektrotechniki Oddział Technologii i Materiałoznawstwa Elektrotechnicznego we Wrocławiu more [polish] [english]

Country: Poland
Region: Lower Silesia
City: Wrocław
Street: M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 55/61
Phone: +48 71 3283061
Fax: +48 71 3282551
Firm Rank: 0
Electrotechnical Institute – Division of Electrotechnology and Materials Science in Wroclaw (IEL/OW) was established with aim of developing the engineering of electrotechnical materials. The recent years of activity and plans for the future are strongly related with the integration of the Institute with the European Research Area. The scientific research works are therefore realized in conformity with the priorities of the consecutive Framework Programmes of the European Union. The leading topics[...]

MR-GAZ Gazy techniczne more

Country: Poland
Region: Silesia
City: Zabrze
Street: Pawliczka 25
Phone: +48 32 2716756
Fax: +48 32 3700485
Firm Rank: 0
Szanowni Państwo zapraszamy do współpracy z naszą firmą, która oferuje gazy techniczne w butlach (na wymianę) po bardzo atrakcyjnych cenach. Gwarantujemy bezpłatny dowóz towaru do klienta. Umożliwiamy legalizację Państwa butli. O kontakt w celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji, zapraszamy pod wskazany adres lub telefon...[...]